Senin, 25 September 2017

Diets And Weight Loss Secrets - 3 Reasons Why Your Weight Loss Diet Is Not Working

Do you know diets and weight loss secrets that can really make you lose weight fast? You are really serious about losing weight fast, and it seems like ages now since you embraced your weight loss diet. But it's not yielding any significant result, and you now find yourself on the brink of frustration. If this is really the case, it is time you sat back and investigated the reasons behind your poor results. Chances are that some of these bad habits have sneaked in and are disrupting your weight loss efforts.

1. Diet Traps

I won't be surprised if you have fallen for one of these, considering the number of weight loss myths going about without knowing diets and weight loss secrets. One of the most common commercial tactics to appeal to dieters is manufacturing fat-free foods. You will see it on cookie boxes, jars of dressings and jams, and even ice-creams. What you need to realize is that losing weight fast does not involve cutting fat from your diet. What you need, instead, is to cut calories. However, to compensate for the lack of taste, when the fat is omitted, manufacturers load their products with flavored syrups, sugar, salt or starch. So, what you get at the end of the day is empty calories, which is counter-productive to your weight loss efforts.

Another diets and weight loss secrets you should know is that there are other common 'weight loss' food categories that people tend to fall for are flavored, fat-free yogurt and fruit juices. Both these may involve high quantities of added sugars, which end up packing you with calories, without making you feel full or satisfied. While 100% fruit juices are a lot healthier, they too contain none of the fiber of whole fruit, and therefore can't make you feel satisfied. If you want to make a low-fat yogurt a part of your weight loss diet, get one which is also low in added sugar and calories.

2. Eating For Reasons Other Than Hunger

We all do this every now and then, some more than others. The problem is that if you get caught in the 'comfort food' trap every time you are feeling stressed or are dealing with loneliness or emotional pressure, it won't do your weight loss efforts any favors, and you will only end up compounding your guilt. Of course, no one picks up a light salad when they are stressed! Try something different the next time you are really stressed, rather that rushing to your favorite hamburger joint or ice-cream parlor. Exercise is a far more productive way of relieving stress. You don't have to pump iron in a gym. Simply go out for a walk to a nice place, do yoga, or even a little bit of meditation will help.

3. A Large Dinner

So you stay committed to a strict diet all day long, and anxious to avoid junk snacks and meals, you end up eating a meal or two less during your busy day. The inevitable consequence: a large dinner. However, night-time is the worst time to pack in the calories, and it can completely destroy your weight loss efforts. It is when your body is preparing to sleep and the last thing it needs is excess food. Also, a large dinner can affect the quality of your sleep negatively, and if your body is not well rested, your metabolism slows down. If you are serious about losing weight fast, you should eat frequently during the day (at least 4-5 times) and have a light dinner.

If you can avoid these common pitfalls by understanding diets and weight loss secrets, there is no reason why your weight loss diet won't be a great success.

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Senin, 11 September 2017

4 Reasons Why Your Weight Loss Diet Program Has Failed You

People that criticize diet programs often cite the examples of people (including themselves) that have used different weight loss programs without achieving their desired long term weight loss and fitness goals.

However, before you join the band wagon of people that castigate and condemn weight loss and diet programs, you should endeavour to take a closer look at all those "failed" attempts by these people that claim that their weight loss program did not work for them.

If you take a closer look, you will discover that most people actually fail in their use of diet programs because of the following reasons:

1-Diet cheating

One of the main reasons why people fail to get their desired fitness goals is because they cheat on their diet plans; they still indulge in foods that the diet plan that they are using actually prescribed that they should avoid.

Most good weight loss plans will guide you on the kinds of foods that you should avoid; no matter how much the temptation, you should discipline yourself to avoid such foods.

Most people that claim that their fitness program failed them were actually indulging in such forbidden foods secretly.

2-Concurrent medication

If you are on certain medications that encourage weight gain, they will negate the ability of your program to help you shed excess body weight. Women that are on certain oral contraceptives might not be able to shed their excessive body weight effectively. Also, people that are on certain psychiatric drugs will not be able to shed weight successfully because those drugs cause excessive water retention by the body.


The truth of the matter is that people start off their weight loss programs at different levels of fitness and weight gain; some people that are fatter than others initially will have more excess fat to shed than others so, it might take more time for them to get to their desired goals.

Also, since we are of different metabolic types, some people will burn their excess fat faster than others because they have higher metabolic rates.

So, if you do not see your desired results as fast as other people, it does not mean that you should give up and go back to your former diet because each time you deviate back to your former diet and then come back to your diet plan you set yourself back by many days.

4-Lack of exercise

Some people do not exercise at all when they are on a weight loss diet; such people will most likely never get to their desired goals.

Even if all the exercise that you engage in is simple walking for about 20 minutes every day, this will go a long way in helping you to reach your desired fitness goals; you must combine some form of exercise irrespective of how light it is to your slimming diet if you want to become slim and fit.

Weight Loss Diet - Four Reasons There Is No Perfect Diet

Summer is on its way again, and like every year diets and weight loss diets are on all of our minds. With all the confusing stories and so-called gurus, no wonder that everyone is totally confused about the proper way to lose weight. However, there are some facts that all of us understand. We have all tried diets, and you already probably know that most of the medical writers totally ignore these four facts about weight loss.

There Is No Perfect Diet

Here is a fact that the experts seem to miss, they always lump everyone into one group and tell you either this diet or that diet is perfect for everyone. Guess what, everyone is different, we all burn fat at a different rate, and we all have different energy levels that our bodies need to maintain our daily activities. The perfect diet would be one that is suited to not just your metabolic rate, but also your activity level during the day, and your current weight.

Healthy weight loss is all about the fat, not just the weight, and it is possible to lose weight and gain the amount of fat your body stores. This would not be considered healthy weight loss, since the fat cells are normally what cause most of the health problems you hear about in middle age people. A person starting a low protein diet with many carbohydrates can see this kind of result, and not be healthier for it.

Eat Less Calories than You Burn Everyday

Basic survival requires anywhere from 1000 calories a day to over 3000 depending on your metabolic rate. Someone with the lowest metabolic rate would need to consume less than that to lose fat weight. Healthy diets that concentrates on losing the fat and not weight only would be a better way to go.

About 75% of the calories you take in everyday goes to maintaining your body, with the rest giving you the energy you need for your daily activities. Your body uses insulin as a signal to your body to store the excess calories as fat. This comes from our ancestors, and was a way for the body to store up energy during feast times for the times when there were not much food around. So you could say that sugar is the key.

Sugar Is The Key

When you are weight loss dieting, overeating is not usually the problem, the dieter that makes their meals full of sugars and carbs is. If your diet uses sugar and insulin as a signal to store fat, then eating a meal full of carbs would send your body the signal to store away for a cold winter day.

The current diet foods that concentrates just on lower calories and less fats, ends up loading up on sugar and carbs that spike your insulin levels, causing your body to go into the fat store mode. This will defeat your entire reason for losing weight, being healthier and losing weight. Choose foods that aren't made with sugar and simple carbohydrates.

Different People Burn Fat Differently

Your body naturally goes from burning fat to burning sugar during the day. Right after a meal your body will concentrate on the sugars in the meal you just ate and use those for energy. As that sugar disappears, your body switches to burning fat. Some people make the switch more easily, and others don't. Their bodies don't burn the sugar fast enough, and it gets turned into fat instead.

Depending on your body weight, those with over 35 pounds to lose usually more successful on a low carbohydrate diet. Those with this much weight to lose usually make the switch to burning fat to slow, and their bodies naturally store the sugar they take in as fat.

Those with less weight to lose than that, are probably overweight from plain old overeating, and seem to do better on a lower-fat diet. Once you know how your body metabolizes the sugars and carbs that you take in, this will allow you to find the perfect match for your metabolic type.

With the season of swim trunks and bikinis coming around again, and you start looking for ways to take off those pounds put on over the winter, its time to realize that their is no perfect weight loss plan that works the same for everyone. The four reasons listed on this article show you that there is no perfect diet, and that your own body will reveal to you the perfect weight loss diet plan for your.